Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

By far the most naturally beautiful place I have ever been to! 115 islands build up the whole country, but I only managed to visit 2 of those. They're made of granite rock and it is very common to see the rocks in the mountain and the ocean together with the trees and the water. As well as being the most beautiful, it is also the most expensive! There are two main industries, tourism and fishing, everything else must be imported thus the high prices. Also, the arable land is very little because of the granite rocks beneath.
The circumstances of my trip to the
When I got there at about 10pm, I asked a taxi driver how much he would charge me to take me to my hotel, and he gave me a price which I though was ridiculous so I told him that was out of the question. Then he threatened me be saying: "how else are you going to get there?" I told him I would find a way. So, I asked another taxi driver if he could take me to the hotel, and this one gave me a much more reasonable price, so I got in the car. We got to the hotel at about 10:30pm but there was nobody there! Only a few tourists that were walking to their room. I asked them who I should talk to so I could get the room I reserved and she told me the owner of the hotel lived in the house next to the hotel so she should probably be there. I got back on the taxi and drove to the house. The dogs were barking, we called out for the lady, but no one came out! After a while a very old lady in pajamas came to the door and said the owner wasn't there and that she couldn't give me my room. By now it was already 11pm, so I asked my taxi driver to take me to another hotel and I would look for a room there. On the way back we were talking about the things I could do the next day, since it was my only day really to go around. When we were near the other hotel he took me completely by surprise when he proposed I stay with him and his family at his residence and that when I left I could pay him something. I accepted his offer and we went to his house.
I can't express how grateful I am to Mr. Jimmy Elizabeth, his wife Monika and his daughter Emminielle. They took a complete stranger in their house and treated him like family; these are the kind of humans this world needs. The most wonderful thing about staying with the
Friday, October 07, 2005
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Oligarchy in Mauritius

They're all over the island. This must be one important dog in this country! Full-sized billboards to show a lost dog and offer a reward? I wonder how much the owner spent for that and if they're ever going to find it. In Mauritius there are more stray dogs than people, and given the way people drive here, there is a big probability that this dog is already dead. Road kill is an every day thing.
Sarah Jane, Sundeep & Tash

Now that there is a new shift at Answer Plus, at 2 am when we go back home we have more people in the van with us. It's fun because before we only had 4, now we have an extra 4 so we always have very nice conversations on our way home. And yet better, now that we have more people I am no longer the last one to be dropped.
Varma's Glasses

It turns out I have an infection in my left eye so during those long nights at the office in front of the computer screen, my eyes irritate a lot. Yesterday I used Varma's glasses for about 2 minutes and I managed to take the picture. I think when I go back home I'm going to have to get permanent glasses of my own.
Fallen Half-Container

I know I haven't posted for a while, but really there have not been many interesting things to post in the past month. This one I took last week right next to the office. It's amazing how there is always, always a crowd when some traffic event happens. It doesn't matter if it is 3 am, people will come out of nowhere.