Monday, July 25, 2005
Amelia & Sonia

Amelia and Sonia. Amelia (left) is officially the worst quad biker in the history of the quad. She was exceedingly scared while riding and didn't use the breaks much, I think she might have lost 5 kilos in that hour of riding just from being so nervous. Sonia on the other hand was a little more at ease and I guess it wasn't a nightmare for her as it was for Amelia.

It had been a while since I had done quad biking; I usually always ride motorcycles. These were real fun! Although they were automatic and had no gears, you could still feel its power, perhaps it's because we were at sea level. Anyway, after we did the trail I had mud all over my pants and my shoes. Amazing really, it reminded me of being in Colombia doing enduro.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Monday, July 18, 2005
Grand Bassin

Grand Bassin is one of the most sacred places in Mauritius for Hindu people. Once a year, all of the Hindus march for days through the island until they reach the lagoon were they make fruit offerings to their Gods. It has a 360-degree view of the island and you can see the ocean surrounding almost everywhere. There are temples here for Hanuhman, Vishnu and Shiva, and there are images of other deities as well.
Amelia, her cousin Anita, Sonia and I went for a mini roadtrip on Saturday to Grand Bassin and the surrounding woods. It was very nice, especially because of the weather! They say that it always rains up there, but when we went it was very pleasant and sunny.
Mare Aux Vacoas

This is the largest fresh water reservoir in Mauritius. It's very high up in the mountain in a very cold place for an island I guess. Before coming here, I always thought they would have fresh water issues, but there are plenty of reservoirs like this around the island and water has never been a problem.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
More Office

I used to work at the desk in the back while Sandra was out on maternity leave. Now I sit at the table in front, which I like more because I have more space. You might wonder why I have 3 computers, and that is because I use the screen on the left as an extension to the Dell laptop; that's the one I use for work. The little one to the right is my personal mac and I've been using it lately to design some documents for TX Direct.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Saturday, Kamini, Joel and I went to the Mauritian Archery Club for an archery lesson with Africa's #1 ranked archer. It was very nice! At the beginning your fingers and your arms hurt a lot but then you get used. We were shooting at a 5m target, however, competitions have targets at 60 and 70m. Next weekend I think we are going once again to practice a little more; it's a very different kind of entertainment.